Native American Dioramas

Kindness Challenge

Kindness Challenge

Kindness Challenge

Kindness Challenge

American Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every student receives a quality education. We are so grateful for all of our teachers, aides, paraeducators, administrators, and office, IT, nutrition services, facilities, library, transportation staff and everyone else who work together to fulfill our mission of educating students academically, emotionally and socially every day!

Kindness Challenge

Kindness Challenge

Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Gordon's students studying erosion with Mr. Duroni

Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Gordon's students studying erosion with Mr. Duroni

Guthridge Vikings,
We hope to visit with you tonight or Thursday at our P/T Conferences. If you have not signed up yet, you can still schedule a conference for Thursday.
If you have been unable to schedule a conference, please give us a call and we will help you get a conference time scheduled.
Thank you for a great first 9 weeks!
Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!

Guthridge Vikings,
Thank you for a great first 9 weeks.
Please take a minute and complete this survey relating to our efforts to reopen our school this fall.
Thanks again & Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!

Early Dismissal on Friday, November 6th at 12:00 PM.


REMINDER: School will be dismissed at 12:00 on Friday, November 6th.

Mrs Good's class welcomes Jaxx to Guthridge!

Ms. Millar's and Miss Wambsganss' students sporting their Blue/Gold Viking Colors & Silly Hat and Silly Hair!

Mis-Match Day!

Silly Sock Day!