Happy World Teachers' Day!!!
We have the BEST teachers in the world right here at USD 503!!!

Vikings love small group instruction time!

Vikings love small group instruction time!

USD 503 COVID-19 Informational Website

These students did a great job at the Guthridge Spelling Bee!

These students did a great job at the Guthridge Spelling Bee!

These students did a great job at the Guthridge Spelling Bee!

These students did a great job at the Guthridge Spelling Bee!

These students did a great job at the Guthridge Spelling Bee!

Our Spelling Bee Champ will represent Guthridge in the Labette County Spelling Bee at 1:30. It will be live streamed at
Good Luck!
Hard Work Pays Off... Go Vikes!

Order your PINK OUT t-shirt on the link below. Orders are due September 26th!

Spelling Bee Champion and Runner Up! Congratulations!

Congratulations to the Spelling Bee Champion!

Students in Mr. Holmes’ classes are learning how to have an “attitude of gratitude.” Gratitude journals are a great way to help students reflect on what they are thankful for, and students are also working on improving their writing skills along the way.

Happy Blue and Gold Friday Vikings.
Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!

Kindness challenge!

Tuesday, Sept. 22nd will be Guthridge's first "IPAD going home night". Each Tuesday our students will be taking their IPADs home to practice using our devices from home. If you have not yet paid the $25 technology fee, please do so or make arrangements to do so by Tuesday.
Thank you, Mr. Friess

Here is a digital copy of the Remote Assurance Page for parents of remote learners. This form can be downloaded, printed, signed and turned in to the school office. Paper copies are available at each school office if you prefer. The Remote Assurance Page is required for each remote learner, the weekly timesheet is no longer needed.

Health packets are being sent home today. Please fill them out and return by Friday, September 18th if you would like services. If you do not want services do not return the forms. Thank you!