Viking summer send off!!

See you tomorrow for the Viking summer send off at all of the elementaries, from 11:30 to 12:30! Drive thru style.

Join us for the Viking Summer Send-Off tomorrow 11:30-12:30...drive through style.HWPO Go VIKES!

Viking families, if you haven't already had the chance to complete this survey, please take a few seconds to complete this very short survey about technology devices and internet connectivity in your home.

Viking families, please take a few seconds to complete this very short survey about technology devices and internet connectivity in your home.

Parsons Elementary 2020-2021 School Supply Order Form, Save Time and Order Online!!!

May is Better Speech & Hearing Month - 1 in every 12 students have a speech-language disorder, that is about 8% of children in the United States.

Friday: Share a fun/wacky photo of you having a great time at school! Be sure and use #FunFriday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!

Mr. Stark needs the recorders back. You can drop them off at Guthridge between 10 am and 1 pm. Also if there are any Guthridge instruments out Mr. Stark needs those also. Thank you

Lexi joined the lunch crew today.

Thursday: Post a Throw Back Thursday photo of your first year teaching or your very first day of school!. Be sure and use #ThrowBackThursday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!

Wednesday: Post a song, poem, letter, photo or card that shows why you love your teachers or why you choose to teach! Be sure and use #WhyWednesday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!

Tuesday: Use social media to tell us what teachers mean to you!. Be sure and use #ThankfulTuesday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!

Tonight's pickup is cancelled due to weather forecast. Please call Guthridge from 10-1:00 to arrange a pickup

Reminder: Packet pickup is today until 12:30.

May is Better Speech & Hearing Month - In the schools speech-language pathologists help students learn to say sounds correctly, improve language skills, improve fluency (stuttering) and voice quality.

Lunch and our Last Packet Pickup is underway! May the 4th be with you!

Monday: Share a memory of a teacher that has motivated you. Be sure and use #MotivationMonday and #USD503ThankATeacher in your post so that everyone can click and find your post!


We are proud of our USD 503 Principals!💙💛💙