Breakfast and Lunch menus are available on our website at (choose your building) and the Parsons Viking app for iOS and Android.
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
USD503 App
Effective August 11, all faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear masks indoors and while on school transportation, regardless of vaccination status if they are in classrooms with students present or indoor gathering spaces. Masks are not required outside or if alone in classrooms, workspaces, and offices. The policy will be reviewed at every regularly scheduled board meeting beginning Sept. 20th, 2021 and rescinded when the infection rates in the county make it no longer necessary. With a modified quarantine, which has been approved by the Labette Health Department, no one exposed in school while properly masked will be required to quarantine or test unless they are symptomatic.
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Stay Safe
Welcome Back Guthridge Vikings! This year, we are asking parents to enroll online. If you have an questions give us a call at 620-421-6800. We will have a "Sneak Peek" on Wednesday, Aug. 18th from 4:30-6:30. Thursday the 19th we will dismiss at 1:00
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Lincoln is still accepting preschool applications for the 2021-2022 school year.
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Good Morning Viking Families, Enrollment for the 21-22 school year is still open. Log in to your parent portal in Infinite Campus to get started, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Infinite Campus Login Student/Parents" and enter your parent username and password then from the column on the left click 'More' then click 'Online Registration'. Please enroll all students using one application. If you need a new parent portal account or you need the password reset, you can call the school building or the tech office at 423-8809. If you don't have access to a computer or the internet, you can go to any school building and enroll using a district device. THANKS!
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Parsons Vikings
Guthridge Supply List 2021-2022
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
School Supplies
Enrollment for the 21-22 school year is now open. Log in to your parent portal in Infinite Campus to get started. From the column on the left, click 'More', then click 'Online Registration'. If you need a parent portal account or your password reset, you can call 423-8809. If you don't have access to a computer, you can go to any school and enroll after July 19th. Please enroll all students using one application. THANKS!
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Enroll Now to Become a Parsons Viking
#HappyIndependenceDay #PKVikings
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Happy 4th of July!
Basketball Camp Elementary Boys and Girls (Grades 1st to 5th) July 5th to 7th (8:00am to 9:15am) Basketball camp will be held at Parsons High School. All campers will receive a t-shirt, elementary campers will also receive a ball. Camps will focus on developing fundamental skills of shooting, passing, dribbling, and defense. Campers may sign up early at the Parsons Rec Center or on the first day of camp at PHS. Registration Form:
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Parsons Vikings
Parents: Help your child beat the summer slump by continuing to practice skills on IXL. Students can use their login information for Guthridge through August 15. 4th Grade Summer Adventures 5th Grade Summer Adventures
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Remember and honor all who served. Thank you so much, from all of us at USD 503!
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Happy Memorial Day
Guthridge parents, you should be receiving an email with this attachment.
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
May 28th is the Last Day of School and an Early Dismissal Day!!! PMS and PHS 12:45 Release Elementary 1:00 Release
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Last Day of School
Reminder: Please turn in all iPad charger cords by tomorrow. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
5th Grade Fun Day!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Sail Into Summer!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
The deadline for school board elections is nearly here! Interested people have to register for this Fall's election by June 1. Ensuring that prospective candidates are informed of and prepared for the responsibilities of services on their local board is essential for the shared success of Kansas public education. For additional information: Thank You!
almost 4 years ago, Parsons District Schools
School Board
Drug Abuse Poster Winners. Congratulations!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's students made board games based off of a book they read.
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary
Reminder for non-remote students: Please return your student's iPad charger. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Guthridge Elementary