Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's students egg drop experiment.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's students egg drop experiment.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's students egg drop experiment.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's students egg drop experiment.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's classes doing chalk art drawings.

Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs. Brumback's students doing chalk art drawings.

Mr. Holmes’ class is reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Last week, they read about Violet Beauregarde, a girl who eats a piece of Wonka’s magic gum and ends up turning into a big blueberry! After reading, they made their own Violet characters out of balloons.

In Mr. Holmes’ class, they are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Today, they read about all the different rooms Mr. Wonka has in his factory. One of his rooms is the “Fizzy Lifting Drinks” room. The students had their own fizzy lifting drinks, today, while they read!

In Mr. Holmes’ class, they are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Today, they read about all the different rooms Mr. Wonka has in his factory. One of his rooms is the “Fizzy Lifting Drinks” room. The students had their own fizzy lifting drinks, today, while they read!

The Volleyball Clinic begins Monday at PMS. Transportation will be provided if necessary but parents will be required to pick up their child at 5:00. The clinic ends Thursday at 5:00.

Watermelon day in Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs.Brumback's class

All non remote students need to turn in all USD 503 iPad chargers as soon as possible. Thank you!

It’s National School Nurse Day. Did you know that #schoolnurses care for the entire school population, especially the most vulnerable? We champion the whole student.

In Mr. Holmes’ class, students are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Today they are reading about Augustus Gloop, a boy who falls into the chocolate river while trying to drink from it! Students are sipping on their own hot chocolate as they read.

PTO is offering school supply kits available for purchase. It's fast, easy, and delivered to your child's school! Details on photo below.

Fourth grade is starting a “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” unit. Today we did a Skittles experiment with hot water and made rainbow designs. They turned out great!

Parsons’ Domino’s recently donated 80 pizza boxes so all fourth graders could each create their own solar ovens to melt s’mores after ending their renewable and nonrenewable energy unit. Parsons Domino’s also donated pizza to all fourth grade classes to enjoy. Thank you Domino’s!

Students in Mr. Holmes’ classes have started reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Each day after reading, they get to do a fun activity related to the book. Today’s activity focused on how Skittles dissolve in warm water, creating a rainbow effect!

June 12 & 13, the Kauffman Center will debut a weekend of FREE videos, engaging youth-friendly activities and one-of-a-kind live streamed content.
For more information: https://www.kauffmancenter.org/open-doors/future-stages-festival/

The deadline for school board elections is nearly here! Interested people have to register for this Fall's election by June 1. Ensuring that prospective candidates are informed of and prepared for the responsibilities of services on their local board is essential for the shared success of Kansas public education.
For additional information: https://5il.co/sdj9
Thank You!