5th grade gingerbread houses

Mrs. Brumbacks class used their skills to make gingerbread houses.

Snowmen ornaments

Our finished gingerbread houses

Mrs. Brumback's class made wreaths today.

Fourth grade students were given passports allowing them to travel around the world through classroom rotations, learning about how Christmas is celebrated in other countries, like Germany, Italy, Israel, Africa and Mexico. Some teachers included special activities.

A Main Street Christmas Concert featuring The Duke Mason Band. Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Parsons Municipal Auditorium. Free Admission! Help support the Parsons Police Department's "Shop with a Cop" program!

Today Mrs. Shields' class learned about the scientific process behind making homemade butter and tried it out themselves. They observed the liquid and fat in the heavy whipping cream separate to create butter. They then spread it over rolls. Happy Thanksgiving!

Students in Mrs. Brimm's class created their own Kachina Dolls after studying the Native American culture. They did such a great job choosing what best represented them!

Mrs. Brumback's class sampled past and present Thanksgiving foods to wrap up our Native American unit.

Mrs. Brumback's students made dioramas of their Native American region. It included the type of shelter and food their region had.

Robotic STEM creations, buildings and bridges in Mrs. Brumback's room.

We made snow globes to hang in the hall.

Mr. Holmes' class had a "pumpkin pie" day! We learned about the history of pumpkin pie, created a colorful multiplication mystery picture (which revealed a pumpkin pie image), and made pumpkin pie in a cup. It was a messy but fun day!

Mrs. Shields' class enjoyed TRYING pumpkin pie in a cup. Some decided they now liked pumpkin flavor after believing they didn't and were excited to eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving! Others were still not fans of pumpkin but still enjoyed the experience. 🥧

Classes at Guthridge decorated their classroom doors for the holidays and are competing for the best decorated through a Penny War vote. The classes receiving the top two votes win a prize. Vikings are bringing on the holiday cheer!

Office secretary Tara Cervantes always keeps things fun for staff at Guthridge with different competitions and activities throughout the year. This month, for one of the activities, she is drawing a name each school day and the winner gets to come punch out the top of one of the cups on the Advent tree she made. Inside each cup is a number that corresponds to a prize she has wrapped and ready in her office. Making smiles makes her day.

Mrs. Good and Abby were "twinning" in twin day!!

Students in Mrs. Brimm's class created their own totem poles after learning about the Native American culture.